Insurgent Movie Featurettes


The long awaited sequel Insurgent is hitting theatres today! And I know everyone is excited to see the next instalment in the Divergent series on the big screen!!!

Sadly I won’t be getting to an advance screening (fingers crossed for Allegiant), but I will be heading to the cinemas as soon as I can so that I can see more of Tris and Four (okay, mainly Four.. preferably shirtless).

The wonderful people at Entertainment One Australia have provided us with some featurettes to help get us in the mood for this highly anticipated movie (like we needed any more reasons to get excited - but yay!). So, please enjoy the below featurettes they have kindly allowed us to share with you.



Synopsis: After being exposed as Divergents – people who don’t fit neatly into one of the five societal classifications or “factions” – Tris (Shailene Woodley) and Four (Theo James) find themselves on the run from Jeanine (Kate Winslet), the power-hungry leader of the Erudite faction. As the traitorous Dauntless troops under Jeanine’s command prowl the ruins of dystopian Chicago rounding up Divergents, Tris and Four traverse the city hoping to find allies among the Amity, Candor, Abnegation and Dauntless factions – as well as the rebellious and impoverished mass of Factionless. Although heartsick and guilt-ridden over the violent deaths of her family and friends, Tris tries to uncover the secret her parents sacrificed their lives to protect – the very secret that explains why Jeanine will stop at nothing to capture her. Desperate to avoid causing pain to any more of her loved ones, Tris faces her darkest fears in a series of near impossible challenges as she seeks to unlock the truth about the past, and ultimately the future, of their world.


Behind the Scenes Featurette:


Go With Happiness:


Perfect Subject:


Stay With Caleb:





Worth It:


Awesome right? It looks like it is going to be one great movie!!!

As Melissa and I love the Divergent series, below is a list of all of our posts relating to Divergent, Insurgent and Allegiant:


For more Insurgent clips, news and updates, be sure to check out (and follow) the Divergent Series (eONE):



We hope you all enjoy the movie!

What do you think?

  • Paulo says:

    Hi there. I stopped over from the book hop and was itsreented in your Insurgent’ review. I was kind of disappointed with it too. It started off with the same energy of Divergent’ and was beginning to build to something then the second half of the book just dropped off a cliff for me. There was SO much description of endless fights, corridors and conversations I just got a bit bored and I agree that final secret isn’t bad but it’s built up FAR too much.

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