Bookshelf Bliss #19

Hi everyone! I hope everyone has had a great week… and to finish it off, it is time for Bookshelf Bliss!

These bookshelves come from all over, great and small, colourful and unique. I love the different concepts of “the perfect bookshelf” that people have… and lets be honest, I love them all :)


What do you think?

  • JennRenee says:

    I need all this in my life. I love the first one. I so need this room.
    JennRenee recently posted…Revew: Mister Death’s Blue-Eyed Girls by Mary Downing HahnMy Profile

  • JennRenee says:

    I need all this in my life. I love the first one. I so need this room.
    JennRenee recently posted…Revew: Mister Death’s Blue-Eyed Girls by Mary Downing HahnMy Profile

  • Ooh! These are so pretty! It’s my dream to have a room for my books. At least, an entire wall. I especially love the books underneath the stairs… I’d love to have that too!

  • Neisa says:

    The first one and last one has to be my favorite! Thanks for sharing these awesome ideas. :)

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