Instant Lookback
Hi everyone! Welcome to the first edition of Instant Lookback, where I share with you the Instagram photo’s I have taken over the past week!
This is a new weekly feature which I lovingly stole from Brett Michael Orr (with his permission of course). I love this idea as I love bookish photos, and now I can show you what bookish photos I have taken recently and shared with my Instagram followers. Which reminds me, if you haven’t already, come follow me over at Instagram @ kristy_book_nerd!
So, I kind of went a little silly on Instagram on Sunday, with finally completing the bookish tags that people had tagged me (some were so overdue!).
I was tagged by @the1000lives to do the #bookish letter tag. I had E, and if I tag you, your letter will be J. #bookishtag #bookstagram #booknerd A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on
I love a quirky tag! I was tagged by @wingedreviews to do the #quirkybookjenga tag! So I created a quirky rainbow book jenga ☺️️ #bookishtag #bookstagram #booknerd A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on
And while I was pulling my bookshelves apart to get some interesting bookish pics, I also did some Aussie cover love for our American friends celebration of the Fourth of July!
Happy Fourth of July to my US friends! What better way to celebrate Independence Day than with red, white and blue Aussie covers of independent characters from the amazing American author Sarah J Maas! #redwhiteandblue #booknerd #bookstagram #throneofglass #ACOTAR A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on
I also posted some pics of my bookish mail but I won’t include all those here (no need to overrun you with all my pics). To see them, head over to my Instagram account (some seriously pretty books are there!).
What do you think of my bookish pics? Any favourites? Let me know!
What do you think?
AH! This is SO cool! :D I’m so happy to see my post type taking off - maybe it’ll become a proper thing in the community!
You have such an amazing collection of books too, I love when you do the rainbow, and the Jenga was so much fun!
Thanks for the shoutout! ^_^
Brett Michael Orr recently posted…Instant Lookback (#3)
Thanks Brett! I loved those tags :)
(for some reason I thought I had replied to this message - but apparently not.. so sorry!)
Instagram *shakes fist at sky* I want to be tagged! I feel like I’m missing out on everything. You should totally give me your foiled cover Hunger Games set. Yes. That’ll make me feel so much better, and you DO want me to feel better don’t you? Too much pretty for my eyes to handle!
Kelly recently posted…Royal Wedding by Meg Cabot
I do want you to feel better hun - and my solution for that is JOIN INSTAGRAM!!!!