W..W..W.. Wednesdays

Hi everyone! I haven’t been able to read as much as I have wanted to recently, but still, it is Wednesday, so it is time for me to tell you what I have been up to :)

It’s Wednesday which means it’s time to tell you what I have been up to for the past week. W..W..W.. Wednesdays is a weekly meme bought to you by MizB from Should Be Reading.


What are you currently reading?

Surprisingly, I am actually reading on a school night. I am reading Spark (Spark, #1) by Rachael Craw. I have wanted to read this for a long time, and the ever so lovely Rachael convinced me to do it. And I am loving it! And look at the sweet words this book said when I finally picked it up:

Isn’t this the sweetest thing a book could say to me? And it was right, we are fast becoming best friends ❤️ #SPARK

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on


What did you recently finish reading?

Sadly, I don’t have anything to report here :( I didn’t get to read on the weekend like I wanted to.


What do you think you’ll read next?

I still don’t know. I have nothing planned, so I will pick up the book that yells at me the loudest (but there are so many calling me)



What is everyone out there reading at the moment, and more importantly is it a good read? Share your links below!

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