Instant Lookback

Hi everyone! Welcome to the another edition of Instant Lookback! This is where I show you the bookish pictures I have shared over on Instagram. I may post all my pictures, I may only post a few… so if you don’t want to miss out on any, come follow me over at Instagram @ kristy_book_nerd!

Instant Lookback is a weekly meme bought to you by Brett Michael Orr.


This week, I have posted a picture of some bookish purchases:

My bookish purchases this week #bookstagram #booknerd #bookmail

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on



I also purchased these beautiful books for some friends. I got these as I hunted forever for these books, and finally Kelly at Diva Booknerd found me a copy Daughter of Smoke and Bone and got it sent to me (so much love for this girl). And after all our efforts to find these books in the UK, they have arrived in Tasmania at a random variety store:



I also posted a few pics of the event I attended on Saturday 1 August: Garth Nix and Sean Williams!!! It was a fantastic event, both of these guys are lovely and it was well worth driving so far, fighting with Australia Post and putting up with the freezing weather. I was even lucky enough to get an ARC of Hollow Girl - which is the US version of Fall :) So happy!:

My Abhorsen/ Old Kingdom books that Garth Nix signed #abhorsen #oldkingdom #garthnix #booknerd A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on

My Twinmaker books, signed by Sean Williams. Plus Twinmaker swag #twinmaker #seanwilliams #booknerd

A photo posted by Kristy (Book Nerd Reviews) (@kristy_book_nerd) on


What do you think of my bookish pics? Any favourites? Let me know!

What do you think?

  • Oooh I love all of these photos! Thanks so much for giving me the shoutout and continuing my meme! It must have been AMAZING to hear Nix speak, he’s one of my favorite authors (he inspired me to write!).
    Brett Michael Orr recently posted…Opinion: Writers Deserve More RespectMy Profile

    • Kristy says:

      Thanks Brett :) Thank you for the great idea!
      Garth Nix was amazing! He was actually unwell, but he was true professional and gave us a great event :)

  • Such pretty pictures! My favorite one is the 2nd photograph (: Man, I really need to read a Garth Nix novel. I wanna know his writing style and his take on fantasy stories. That’s really awesome that you got your books autographed :D
    Leigh @ Little Book Star recently posted…Review: The Battle of the Labyrinth (Percy Jackson and the Olympians #4) by Rick RiordanMy Profile

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