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Scary books for Halloween coming soon!

Posted by on October 17, 2011

Hello readers!

You may have noticed the changed layout for Halloween! We don’t get to really celebrate it in Australia like many folks do overseas… and I am one of those people who really wished we could embrace it more since it’s probably my favourite time of year - so I can at least dress the site up a little right? ;)

I am currently almost finished on my first Halloween read and there will be other scary books coming your way as well! I hope you enjoy my reviews as I post them and certainly if you have any suggestions on some scary reads, I want to know! I am being a bit over ambitious.. I have about 7 books I’d love to review (in an ideal world), but we shall see!

Lola (and my other upcoming reads) have been put on hold for a bit until Halloween is over.

Currently I am almost finished with The Devouring by Simon Holt - my review will be up shortly to kick off the festivities!

So tell me… what’s your favourite scary book?


6 Responses to Scary books for Halloween coming soon!

  1. Amy

    I agree, I wish we celebrated Halloween more here in Australia!!!

    • Melissa

      I know, how awesome would it be?! I have been to Halloween parties that my friends and I have thrown, but it’s not like we were ever able to trick or treat and really celebrate the way they do in North America!

  2. Sarah Pearson

    We have the same problem in England. I get jealous when I read all my American friends posts about how they’re decorating and dressing up. Here, it’s just for littlies, and not until the actual day.

    • Melissa

      Do the littlies get to trick or treat? Things are starting to change here and in some streets it’s acceptable, but a lot of older people have the mentality that it’s too American and “we don’t do that stuff here”. Which sucks.. it’s got to be one of the best holidays!

  3. pabkins

    Currently fav is Anna Dressed in Blood
    Pabkins @ Mission to Read

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