Merry Christmas!!

Good morning readers!! Merry Christmas to you, or if you don’t celebrate Christmas - Happy Holidays to you!! :) For those of you not in Australia where it’s not the 25th yet, Merry Christmas from the future. lol

I hope you all have an amazing day or night with your loved ones. Rather than the focus being on the material items, Christmas ultimately is a time for spending time with the people we love.

I want to thank everyone for their support of Book Nerd Reviews in 2011. It’s been a huge year for me on a personal note - lots of events, some good and some not so good (2012 will be a better year!). I launched this site and discovered a wonderful community of YA fans out there that I adore. Thank you all for coming on the journey with me!

Drive safely if you’re on the roads, eat until you’re in a food coma and smile!

xx Melissa

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  • Have a wonderful day :-)

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