In My Mailbox #35


Good morning readers!! How is your Sunday? I am a bit sore and stiff, I woke up super early this morning in order to do a Body Pump class at the gym. Ouch! One of my OTHER new years resolutions was to take better care of myself, and I’ve been at the gym almost every night working on it. And eating right.. that’s the biggest part. SO if my reading is slower because of this, I hope you all forgive me!

On to IMM this week though! I had a very exciting and big week for books!! In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren.


Born Wicked - Jessica Spotswood - ARC

Huge huge HUGE thank you to Penguin Australia who surprised me with this parcel last week! I’ve noticed Born Wicked is due for release in Australia earlier than it states on Goodreads. It’s due out in bookstores here on January25th - and worldwide it will be released on February 7th, so I definitely anticipate having a review available before the 25th for my fellow Aussie readers. I’m reading this now!

Cinder - Marissa Meyer

This featured in last weeks IMM, however the lovely folks at Penguin Australia have given me a copy in the post this week! Thank you again so much, I feel so spoilt! I am contemplating a giveaway with Cinder now that I have an extra copy, so keep your eyes open! I am SO looking forward to reading and reviewing this book… I have a few other things to review first that have deadlines, but then I will be reading Cinder at my first opportunity!

The Fault In Our Stars - John Green

I have a confession to make……. I have never read a John Green book. I understand this may be punishable by death in some parts of the globe, and you have my sincere apologies. To rectify this, not only did I go out this week and purchase The Fault In Our Stars (The hype for this on Tumblr and Youtube has been sensational), but I also purchased the following John Green books on Amazon for my Kindle…



Looking For Alaska - An Abundance Of Katherines - Paper Towns - Will Greyson Will Greyson all by John Green

I hope this makes up for my lack of knowledge on John Green books! I would love to read them in order (even though they are all non related stand alones) but I have a feeling I will be needing to read The Fault In Our Stars first. It’s calling me!


So that is all from me this week, what’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • So lucky to get a copy of Born Wicked. I really enjoyed Cinder. Great haul of books. Come visit me as well.

    Livre De Amour-Books of Love Blog

  • really looking 4ward 2 your thoughts on born wicked
    njoy all

  • Mesa says:

    Wonderful IMM! I’m really looking forward to Born Wicked, and I also have not read John Greens books. The Fault in Our Stars looks really good though.

    <a href=";

  • Paige says:

    Lot’s of John Green books! I’ve yet to read a book by him yet but i know i really need to! I hope you enjoy everything! Come check out my IMM!

  • I just bought Looking for Alaska today at the bookstore! I had the same idea of reading more of John Green’s books before The Fault in Our Stars. I’ve heard so many wonderful things about all of his works, it seems weird that I’ve delayed reading them! Happy reading!

  • Shirley says:

    Cinder was FANTASTIC! Totally adored all the characters! I've been seeing The Fault in Our Stars a lot lately - must check it out someday :D
    Here’s My IMM

  • Rebecca says:

    BORN WICKED!! I want you soo bad! Oooh available on the 25 of Jan..really! Will be getting a copy asap!! Dont worry I haven’t read a John Green book yet…donn’t tell anyone! …

  • Peggy says:

    I haven’t read any of John Green’s work either, but I went out and bought The Fault in our Stars as well! Happy reading!

  • Susanna P says:

    I’ve never read any of Green’s books, either. Sad, right? I have a feeling I would have enjoyed them more a couple years than I will now, but I did recently win three of his books in a giveaway, so I’ll have to give them a try.

  • Giselle says:

    Ooh nice Born Wicked! I’m so excited to read that one. And Yay for Cinder too! :D

    Xpresso Reads

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