In My Mailbox #37

Good afternoon readers, how is everyone today? I am trying to stay cool after this heat we’ve been having in my city. Sigh.. it’s not working too well, I don’t have air con!

On to IMM this week! As always In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren.


A Million Suns (Across The Universe #2) - Beth Revis

I have a confession to make.. and that is that whilst I own Across The Universe, I haven’t actually read it yet. :( I know.. I know. I am honestly going to rectify that this year. I adore both covers.. and to perhaps spur me on to reading the first book sooner, I thought I would at least buy the second one… they do look awfully pretty on my shelves!


Tempest - Julie Cross

This book has received mixed reviews on Goodreads and even sparked some contoversy at some point when some authors stepped in to defend a bad review someone had given this book. I think all of that aside I really just want to know more about the book itself and to see what I think about it rather than what everyone else thinks. So I am looking forward to reading this book. Sometimes I find I dont’ always agree with what others have to say about books!



Possession - Elana Johnson

This looks like a really interesting dystopian style book. The story line looks REALLY good, but I am hearing the execution of the story perhaps is a little all over the place and confusing. I am going into this one with that knowledge so I will try and concentrate hard on it to see if that helps at all. lol There have been some good reviews of the plot itself and the ending is meant to be really good also! I am hoping to read this soon.


So that is all from me this week, what’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • Braiden says:

    Absolutely loved A MIllion Suns…. devoured it! Hope you will to. Happy reading :)

  • Paige says:

    I can’t wait to read all three of those books. I hope you enjoy everything! Come check out my IMM!

  • I got a Million Suns as well. Great picks.

  • Ha.. at 1st I was wondering why you were so hot, but then I remembered the difference in seasons in AUS. Duh.

    I can’t wait to read A Million Suns. Hopefully I can get it in next month.

    • Melissa says:

      haha Yes, and I’m in my 20’s so I can’t blame it on “the change of life” quite yet. LOL We’re in the MIDDLE of Summer over here at the moment and we’ve had a few days of 90 degrees (farenheight) with very humid sticky conditions… when it’s a few days in a row it makes the house so hot and uncomfortable! We’re at least getting a cool change tomorrow I hope! hehe

      I’ll post a review of A Million Suns when I am done! :D

  • I haven’t read Across the Universe but I am so excited to read it! I also got A Million Suns sitting on my shelf. I just have to find the perfect time to read both books! Tempest was a very enjoyable read! I am also curious of Possession (the cover looks great!). Can’t wait for your reviews, Melissa!! Awesome IMM this week ♥ Happy reading! :)

    Celine @ Forget-me-not

  • Taneika says:

    Oooh, I got Across the Universe this week :) and I’m excited for Tempest!! I’m now following you on Twitter and Facebook!! Love your blog Taneika @ Flipping Through the Pages

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