Linky Follow

Hello readers & fellow bloggers!

Some of you may remember at the end of 2011 I blogged about how I was going to remove my Google Friend Connect widget at the start of this year (which I did). As Google are not going to be offering the service any longer from March 1st, I got in early and removed it from Book Nerd Reviews.

I’ve since however found an alternative which I think other bloggers out there will probably love! It’s created by the awesome people at Linky - you’ll be familar with Linky Tools if you participate in In My Mailbox at The Story Siren, or blog hops at Paranjunkee’s site or Greads. It’s a very popular tool!

The people at Linky Tools understand the demand for a “follow” feature and have since designed Linky Followers, which works VERY similarly to GFC follow. You’ll notice on the right hand side of my site you can see this feature displayed under “Follow Me”.

If you’re keen to get an account and set yourself up, click here. I honestly think it will be as huge as GFC! The only issue is now it looks as though I have no followers. :(

I’d love it if I could get some love… if people don’t mind clicking follow, it would certainly help me feel less of a loner! haha And if you add it to your blog, let me know in the comments below with your blog link and of course I would be more than happy to return the favour to you as well.

I am so excited to have a PROPER follow feature again! I love my Facebook page, and I love Twitter also - but I missed this feature.


What do you think?

  • Barmy_Bex says:

    I’ve got a Linky follow too, think it’s a great idea.
    I’m an old follower on your site, but I’ve added you on Linky too, don’t want to lose contact with your blog. :D

    Have a great weekend.

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