Letting go.

8 COMMENTS • This post is filed under: nerdchat

As a book blogger (and of course book lover!), I inevitably run into the same problem as many of us do - this is the issue of storage. SO many books (and so many being added to the pile every week) and yet so little space.

It seems like I am always bringing new books into my home, and yet no books ever leave. My house will now be referred to as the abyss. ;)

I have book shelves everywhere. And piles of books in random places also.. it’s becoming a problem.

It’s been a long time coming, but I have decided to part with some of my books. *sniff* So many stories… so many memories tied to reading these stories as well. It wasn’t an easy task.

I’ve managed to part with only about 20 books. Some of you may be thinking “only 20!” but to me - that 20 was a huge number! haha And it at least gives me one shelf free right now.

I couldn’t bear to give these books to a second hand shop where they may end up dusty on the shelves for who knows how long. I want these to go to someone who will love them, so I reached out locally. I know of a young girl who adores the same kind of books I love reading, and so my first offer will be to her to take any of the books she wants. Any left over from that (if at all) I am thinking of giving to my local library because I know they will at least be read and loved!

Sounds like I am parting with something bigger than books. But to me, they’re special. Is it sappy that I want for them to have a good home? haha I don’t even care.

So starts my spring cleaning! I need to do this more often. I can’t part with my most loved books (and won’t). But the books I enjoyed, but won’t read again, I am going to start passing on to others. That’s what books are for - to be read and loved!

Does anyone else find the thought of parting with their books difficult? Or am I more materialistic than I thought I was?

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8 Responses to “Letting go.”

  1. Octaviana says:

    I’m sure that it’s very difficult to let books go, I can’t imagine… it must be horrible.
    Personally, I keep them all, but that’s because they are very few. In my country, books are really expensive (50 dollars the cheapest) and book stores are a disaster. My family doesn’t have a credit card, so I can’t buy books online. So yeah, letting go books is not my thing.

    • Melissa says:

      Wow! I won’t take for granted the book prices we have here in Australia again after reading that Octaviana! $50 is so expensive for one book! I think because I shop online a lot (as well as actual stores), I end up with too many.
      Melissa recently posted…Letting go.My Profile

  2. Tabitha S. says:

    I’m the same way! I have such a hard time letting go of books - and now I’m only keeping the ones that I love and then the ones in a series. BUT. I’m actually not doing too great on getting rid of books, because I’m always trading on YA Book Exchange, but it is progress - so I guess that’s good.

  3. It’s so hard to give up books. 20 books is a lot, so kudos to you. Giving them to a book lover is a brilliant idea, way better than a second hand store. And libraries are always in need of books, and they’ll love and care for them. Great idea :)

  4. You say 20 and my first reaction was *Gasp* So many!!! I feel for you I really do. I’m sitting here skimming over my shelf and the huge stack on my desk and…well you get the idea and I’m finding it hard to imagine giving up any of them. Well okay there’s like 3 or 4 that I wonder how on earth made it on my shelf they’re not even the types of books I read so there’s 4 down…

    Hope you find a good home for them! :)

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