The book situation

2 COMMENTS • This post is filed under: nerdchat

I have too many books. It’s official. And look, honestly I realise there are far worse problems a girl can have. But I have run out of shelf space. So I am about to embark on a mission to make more room. Some of my shelves are just in too far of a messy state to share right now (I feel guilty everytime I look at those dusty shelves! lol) but here’s some of “The Book Situation”

I think I am going to have to find a new place for those DVD’s and Blu Rays…

Yes.. there are even books in that basket in the top left corner. Creepy looking right? lol The decorative stuff may have to go if I can’t find enough room for books.

The shelf under these houses more random books but mostly crime and true crime. And the state of those shelves is messy as, thus why the image cuts off where it does! haha

Just another random shelf.

And this is just some of my books!!! EEK! If things go to plan, I am looking at moving to a bigger place this year, where I will have heaps more space to spread out the books and fit more shelves in. When that happens, I’ll be a very happy girl! Until them, I am trying to make the best of a limited space situation.

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2 Responses to “The book situation”

  1. Melissa! THIS IS SO ME. I literally need new shelves because mine are THIS close to collapsing! I’ve pretty much double stack EVERYWHERE and then shoves books in every odd corner not to mention I’ve also taken over the bookshelf in my brother’s room! We’re all in the same boat here!

    • Melissa says:

      haha YES to double stacking! It’s the only way!! Unfortunately at the moment I don’t have access to any other room to store my books in, so they’re everywhere (including NOT on shelves!).

      I know this is such a book blogger issue isn’t it? It’s a problem I love and hate at the same time!
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