Synopsis: The Selection changed the lives of thirty-five girls forever. And now, the time has come for one winner to be chosen. America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown—or to Prince Maxon’s heart. But as the competition approaches its end and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realizes just how much she stands to lose—and how hard she’ll have to fight for the future she wants.

From the very first page of The Selection, this bestselling series has captured readers’ hearts and swept them away on a captivating journey… Now, in The One, Kiera Cass delivers a satisfying and unforgettable conclusion that will keep readers sighing over this electrifying fairy-tale long after the final page is turned.

Thoughts: I have been a big fan of ALL of the covers in this series - the girl with the absolutely beautiful dresses. Each book is a distinctive colour - blue, red and white - probably not a coincidence since our protagonists name is America. I also really love the title progression - as this series is almost reiminicent of shows such as The Bachelor, the titles make sense - The Selection, The Elite and The One, marking the end of the series.

I am yet to read The Elite, but I will be doing so shortly, as I really enjoyed The Selection. The One is not out until May 2014, but I am already really looking forward to it!

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One Response to “Cover Reveal: The One (The Selection #3) - Keira Cass”

  1. The cover is GORGEOUS! I have to admit though, that I never really thought about the colors representing the American flag… so here’s to Fun Fact #1! But seriously, these covers make me fall in love. I liked the books, but didn’t love them, and I do hope this one changes my mind :D

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