Fans of Daughter of Smoke and Bone of have been dying to see the UK cover of the final instalment of this amazing trilogy, and over the weekend Hodder & Stoughton finally gave us fans what we have wanted (and more).

Here is the UK cover for DREAMS OF GODS AND MONSTERS!!!

Synopsis: By way of a staggering deception, Karou has taken control of the chimaera rebellion and is intent on steering its course away from dead-end vengeance. The future rests on her, if there can even be a future for the chimaera in war-ravaged Eretz.

Common enemy, common cause.

When Jael’s brutal seraph army trespasses into the human world, the unthinkable becomes essential, and Karou and Akiva must ally their enemy armies against the threat. It is a twisted version of their long-ago dream, and they begin to hope that it might forge a way forward for their people.

And, perhaps, for themselves. Toward a new way of living, and maybe even love.

But there are bigger threats than Jael in the offing. A vicious queen is hunting Akiva, and, in the skies of Eretz … something is happening. Massive stains are spreading like bruises from horizon to horizon; the great winged stormhunters are gathering as if summoned, ceaselessly circling, and a deep sense of wrong pervades the world.

What power can bruise the sky?

From the streets of Rome to the caves of the Kirin and beyond, humans, chimaera and seraphim will fight, strive, love, and die in an epic theater that transcends good and evil, right and wrong, friend and enemy.

At the very barriers of space and time, what do gods and monsters dream of? And does anything else matter?”

Release Date: April 17th 2014
Published By: Hodder & Stoughton
Goodreads: Add it to your reading list
Purchase: Click here to purchase


Thoughts: We all know I love the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy, that is a proven fact - so yes, I am biased. But, I think this cover compliments both Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Days of Blood and Starlight covers beautifully.

I have openly told people that it was the beautiful UK cover of Daughter of Smoke and Bone that initially drew me into this series, but I will admit that I also found the US cover of Days of Blood and Starlight quite striking. Although the US cover for DoBaS is beautiful, I still preferred the UK cover as it had more relevance to the storyline (the US one did represent the fierceness and bloodshed of this story quite nicely). Then the US cover for Dreams of Gods and Monsters came out, and I will admit, that I fell in love with this one - I can already tell this cover represents the storyline of the trilogy better than its predecessors… but naturally I had to wait to see the UK cover before declaring my favourite for DoGaM. So, now that it is out, what is my verdict? Well, I still don’t know. I really need to read it to decide if I feel the UK or the US cover is more fitting. But both are gorgeous!


But wait, there’s more: Yes, there is more, and not only is this something that will probably ultimately make me declare the UK covers my favourite, but this… is HUGE! Hodder & Stoughton have said that the first 3000 UK hardcovers of Dreams of Gods and Monsters will have the title page signed and illustrated by Laini Taylor!

Yes, SIGNED AND ILLUSTRATED! Don’t believe me? Here… look…

And Laini also posted about it here.

Isn’t that awesome??? So, here are the facts: the first 3000 of the UK only hardcovers will be signed and illustrated by Laini Taylor. So, to get your hands on one of these amazing books, your best bet is to pre-order it. At this point it is unconfirmed if The Book Depository will be getting these amazing editions, I am waiting on confirmation from Hodder & Stoughton regarding that (I will update this post with that information as soon as possible). And as of 31 January the pre-orders were still under 3000 so you may still be in with a chance of being able to order on of these amazing copies.

So my thoughts on the signed and illustrated title page? Well, it was initially something like this JGNIERKNMGFIPERMGIPERJGPIERMFSRMNGTNRMSAGKMRFSGPRP!!!!!!!!!!!!. Then when I calmed down (a little) and could breath (a little) I decided that I needed to get my hands on one! So I have now pre-ordered another copy (yes, that will be the third edition of DoGaM that I have pre-ordered - I am not ashamed!). So after all that, I calmed down a little more and realised what a massive thing this is… for Hodder & Stoughton to do this, but more importantly, for Laini to signed AND illustrate 3000 title pages is huge - and I would sincerely like to thank Laini for all the work she put into doing this for her fans! And to Hodder & Stoughton for making this happen!

Thanks Laini!!!

Thanks Hodder & Stoughton!!!


And for all you fans who want to re-read Daughter of Smoke and Bone and Days of Blood and Starlight before this sure to be epic conclusions comes out, or you would like to read them for the first time, why not join Hodder & Stoughton and Little Brown at the The Great Daughter of Smoke and Bone re-read on Goodreads. You can join the teams and fans as they re-read through this series, chat with others re-reading the series and talk about your favourite parts of the series. Also, there will be giveways (US and UK only so far) and Laini Taylor will also be doing Q&A sessions in the group!


What do you think of the UK cover? Do you prefer the US or UK covers for the series? Will you pre-order Dreams of Gods and Monsters hoping you will receive a signed and illustrated one? Let us know in the comments below!

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