Tattoos, Nail Art and Cake Inspired By Fiction #1 – Daughter of Smoke and Bone

As you may be aware, we here at Book Nerd Reviews love doing tattoo, nail art and cake ‘inspired by fiction’ posts. You are probably also be aware that I love the Daughter of Smoke and Bones series. And today, since today is my birthday, I am giving myself a present and I am combining all of these loves :)

Normally we pick one type of “inspired by fiction” for each post, but today I am doing them all!

Welcome to Tattoos, Nail Art and Cakes Inspired by Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor!


Nail Art:


P.S: I have noted that none of my friends have given me a DoSaB inspired cake - I think I need to find new friends :)

What do you think?

  • Asti says:

    Wait, did you say today is your birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY KRISTY! (I think I should have remembered this because you said something about Oh, the Books! grand opening being on your birthday. D’oh!)

    Love that you did a Daughter of Smoke and Bone theme for this as well, it’s so fitting! I definitely am a fan of that neck tattoo. And hey, I hope you get a cake like that for your birthday! :D

  • […] Kristy has a collection of tattoos and nail art inspired by Daughter of Smoke and Bone! […]

  • […] Kristy has a collection of tattoos and nail art inspired by Daughter of Smoke and Bone! […]

  • I’m a huge fan of this series and of tattoos, so I am loving these. It’s amazing the amount of awesome art you find browsing on the net and Daughter of Smoke & Bone’s fandom is phenomenal!!!!!

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