June in Review

Hi everyone! June has come and gone, and as of tomorrow we are in the second half of 2014 - how did this happen? Time has flown, and both Melissa and I have had some fun this month. We have both tried new things during June, me with my photo/bookish tour of Prague, and Melissa with Comic Crossover. Both of these received fantastic support and some lovely feedback - and for that we both thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Melissa will continue with Comic Crossover (which I am very excited for as I need some guidance when it comes to comics) and I am hoping to do some more photo/bookish tours in the future. But in the meantime, here is our June recap!


Book Reviews

In the Shadows – Kiersten White and Jim Di Bartolo
Dangerous Creatures (Dangerous Creatures #1) – Kami Garcia and Margaret Stohl
City of Fallen Angels (The Mortal Instruments #4)– Cassandra Clare


Comic Reviews

Comic Review: Saga Volume 1 – Brian K. Vaughan


Other bookish posts

Bookshelf Bliss #5
Bookshelf Bliss #6
Bookshelf Bliss #7
That amazing time that I met Laini Taylor – Part 2
Daughter of Smoke and Bone tour of Prague
You know, YA and comics aren’t all that different…
Comic Crossover #1


Posts we really enjoyed from our blogging friends

There were some really great posts and discussions online this month. Here’s just some of what we enjoyed in March:


Also, don’t forget

There is still time to enter our Game of Thrones boxset giveaway. This is an Australia only giveaway, sorry international folks. But, our monthly international giveaway will be returning in July :)


What do you think?

  • I’m not ready for the second half of the year. Nope, I swear Christmas JUST past. Thanks for featuring me up there, and it’s nice to see some of the posts I loved this months as well! Here’s to a fantastic July :)

    • Kristy says:

      And it will be Christmas again before you know it Emily.
      And you are most welcome for the link :) I am glad you also love some of the other posts as well.
      I hope July is treating you well!

  • I’m so excited for that Game of Thrones giveaway. lol XD Thanks so much for hosting it! Also, omg, THANK YOU for linking to my post! I’m glad you two had an awesome June! I can’t believe it went so fast.

    • Kristy says:

      Sorry you lucky wasn’t fantastic with the Game of Thrones giveaway Cait :(
      And you are most welcome for the link!!!
      And yes, this year is going so quick - it is crazy :)

  • Asti says:

    Loved that you guys tried out new features this month, and am excited that you will be trying to continue on with them! Yay :)

    And seriously, how the heck is almost already July? WHAT IS THIS MADNESS?!

    Thanks for linking to us at Oh, the Books! <3

    • Kristy says:

      :) The new features have worked very well - Melissa will continue on a far more regular schedule than me, but I will try to do them whenever I can (my next project for this is quite big).
      Utter madness I tell you! It will be the end of the year before we know it.
      And we are happy to link to Oh, the Books! You have so many fantastic posts, the only problem we have is deciding which ones to link to :)

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