Bookshelf Bliss #13
Here are some more unique bookshelf bliss for you to admire!
POSTED by: Kristy ON August 10th, 2014 | Filed under: Bookshelf Bliss | 9 Comments »
Here are some more unique bookshelf bliss for you to admire!
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What do you think?
Ohhh, I love these! Haha the first one reminds me of something K-Mart would have (but flipped the other way around to make a K). I love the second one, it’s such a beautiful nook :) So jealous! The third one looks very uncomfortable…. especially because that man is sitting on the floor. Hmmmm, he needs to invest in a comfy chair, or some cushions
:) Ha! So true, it exactly like the K-Mart K.
Yes, I wonder why there is nothing up there to sit on? A few cushions, beanbag even? I wouldn’t like to sit on floor and read. But it definitely has potentional.
I love the one that looks out onto the forest-y window seat. that is like, heaven for me!
I agree. It has an amazing view each way you look…. and it would be amazing sitting there with a book, looking out the window when it was raining :)
I spend way too much time looking at lovely bookshelf pictures. Maybe it’s because my own are so woeful but I keep dreaming about my forever house which will be perfect and full of lovely shelves just waiting for me to fill up :D
The second one is my favourite. The seat with the window just makes it seem like the perfect reading nook!
Kate! Wash your mouth out! It is never too much time when looking at lovely bookshelves :) And trust me, you are not the only one who ponders on of the “dream” personal library! And I agree, I love the window seat idea!
I love #3 so so much! But that first with with the K? That reminds me of the K-mart shelves, lol! XD These are gorgeous…when I’m rich and famous I totally am having a house of really awesome bookshelves.
I think #3 needs some comfy seating added to it, but other than that, it looks great. And yes, Gina also said it looks like K-Mart, and it is true!
I can’t wait to see your house of awesome bookshelves when you are rich and famous ;)
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