August in Review

Hi everyone! Is it September already? How did that happen? This year is just flying by! It has been a pretty busy month for both Melissa and myself. I was especially busy at the end of August and the first few days of September (the reason why this recap is a little late). Technically all the exciting stuff has happened for me in September, so you I won’t give you a recap on all the awesomeness that was the first few days of September until the next recap - by then I might be able to process it all as well :)

So, here is our August recap!


Book Reviews

Sinner (The Wolves of Mercy Falls #4) – Maggie Stiefvater
We Were Liars – E. Lockhart
Let’s Get Lost – Adi Alsaid

Blog Tours

We Were Liars Australian Blog Tour + Giveaway! (this blog tour features a Q&A with E. Lockhart, and the giveaway is open until 9 Sept)


Comic Crossover

Comic Crossover #5
Comic Crossover #6


Other bookish posts

Bookshelf Bliss #12
Bookshelf Bliss #13
Bookshelf Bliss #14
Bookshelf Bliss #15


Posts we really enjoyed from our blogging friends

There were some really great posts and discussions online this month. Here’s just some of what we enjoyed in July:


What do you think?

  • Woha, I have not been here for a while and LOOK IT’S ALL PURPLE AND DIFFERENT! It’s a very nice new design. XD Glad you had a good August, but sheesh, is it just me or is this year going awfully fast?!! ;)
    Cait @ Notebook Sisters recently posted…How do you balance reading ALL the blogs?My Profile

    • Kristy says:

      You didn’t need to admit that you hadn’t been here for awhile Cait, the redesign only just went up :) But we are glad that you like it!
      And yes, the year is flying by - it will be Christmas before we know it (eeeek).

  • Oh my god I love your new design!!! It’s gorgeous :D And I still love the little owls poking around, hehe.

    Thanks for linking me!
    Kayla @ The Thousand Lives recently posted…Weekly Update #43 (September 7) - In Which I Torture My Sister With The Jewel’s CliffhangerMy Profile

    • Kristy says:

      Thanks Kayla :) We are loving the bright colours - just to add to the happiness of talking about books. And yes, our little owls will be still popping up everywhere.

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