Bookshelf Bliss #14

Some more pictures of some lovely, luxurious home and retail libraries. These can be used as inspiration for own bookshelves, or to drool over, or to be envious - or all of the above! Enjoy.

What do you think?

  • Kelly says:

    That first photo of the suspended walkway and library is absolutely divine! I’m thinking either that have outrageously high ceilings, or have converted a roof space even. he second last one though, how do you grab a book without being buried under a pile of them toppling down on you? That has to be a man’s idea of a bookcase :D

    Thanks for sharing, love these <3

  • All I’ve got to say is that the first one make me supremely jealous of whoever owns it. I could get lost in there for hours. It’s like heaven :)

  • Leigh says:

    Wow I really love all the bookshelves except for the last 3. The last 3 kinda makes my head hurt haha. The first picture really makes me want to read all day and it looks like I have my own library . :)

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