Christmas Inspired By Fiction #6

Hey everyone! Another week closer to Christmas, which means it is time for us to bring you some more festive cheer! More bookish Christmas trees and decorations to drool over, or to give you inspiration to create your own. Nothing is better than books, and Christmas - so why not combine the two? Enjoy more bookish Christmas finds….

We brought you some Christmas Inspired by Fiction posts last year, so if you missed them and want to have a look, here are the links:

Christmas Inspired By Fiction #1

Christmas Inspired By Fiction #2

Christmas Inspired By Fiction #3

Christmas Inspired By Fiction #4


Merry Christmas! I hope santa brings you books, book boyfriends and of course, more books :)

What do you think?

  • Mawa Mahima says:

    Ah paper decorations! Don’t they just make your heart sing?
    Mawa Mahima recently posted…This Week of Wordiness: New Themes, Funny Times, and Praise for NessMy Profile

  • Renee says:

    Oooh lovely!!!! I still would never be able to destroy books like this, but plain paper? Sure I’ll give it a go! One year I made paper snowflakes and put them all over my window…
    Renee recently posted…magnusalecaf:

    OKAY i cannot believe I didnt link this im so dumb, but remember in the hall of…My Profile

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