In My Mailbox #43

Good evening readers! How has your Sunday been? I was asked today by my best friend to be her Maid Of Honour at her wedding! Eeeeeee!! :D So I am very very excited about that!!

As always In My Mailbox is a weekly meme bought to you by the lovely Kristi at The Story Siren. It’s Amanda Hocking week on IMM this week! I already owned Switched by Amanda Hocking, and I got the next book in her series this week as well as her other series that she’s written called My Blood Approves.


Torn (Trylle Trilogy #2) - Amanda Hocking

I own the first book Switched but am yet to read it. I truly adore the cover art this series has… it’s absolutely stunning, and the fact that each book has a different colour appeals to me too cause it stands out on my bookshelves even more! I am really looking forward to this, especially as the third book in the series is out next month!




My Blood Approves series by Amanda Hocking

Not so much a fan of the covers… the different colours are pretty, but I think the font on the books looks a little amateur and the images could be much better. I don’t know that it correctly reflects on the stories at all. But I’ve heard this is a pretty decent series to check out and I got a really good price on them, so they’re sitting pretty for me to read also!

So that is all from me this week, what’s in your mailbox? Let me know - leave your links in the comments section below!

What do you think?

  • Hi Melissa, I hope you enjoy those books. I have Switched and Torn, and My Blood Approves, but haven’t read any of them! You will probably get to them before I do :-) I agree with you about the covers for the My Blood Approves series though.

    Lovley IMM, thanks for sharing.

    Shaheen @ Speculating on SpecFic
    My IMM!

  • Cathee says:

    My Blood Approves was pretty good!

    So, this is Amanda Hocking week for you, isn’t it?

    I haven’t read Switched, or Torn (obviously), but they do look great\

    Happy Reading :D

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