September in Review

Hi everyone! Can you believe that it is October already? I can’t believe it! It has been a pretty busy month for both Melissa and myself. But it was absolutely fantastic (for me!). I was lucky enough to see Laini Taylor twice during her Australian tour, and I was also fortunate enough to interview her for the Australian YA Bloggers group. I will provide the link further down for the interview.

Oh, and Book Nerd Reviews also had a makeover thanks to the wonderful Hazel at Stay Bookish :) Did you notice? Well, whether you did or not, if you are an Aussie you should enter our giveaway to celebrate (link below). This giveaway was made possible by the amazing team at Bookworld, as they noticed the new design and wanted to help us celebrate.

I hope you all had a fantastic month as well. Here is what happened at Book Nerd Reviews during September:


Book Reviews

Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss #3) – Stephanie Perkins
Heir of Fire (Throne of Glass #3) – Sarah J. Maas
The Rapunzel Dilemma – Jennifer Kloester
Illusions of Fate – Kiersten White
Falling Into Place – Amy Zhang
Cooper Bartholomew is Dead – Rebecca James


Blog Tours

Cooper Bartholomew is Dead Australian Blog Tour (first chapter extract of Cooper Bartholomew is Dead)


Comic Crossover

Comic Crossover #7


Book Tags

Get To Know Me
Top 10 Books That Have Stayed with Us in Some Way


Other bookish posts

Celebrate our new blog design with an aussie giveaway of Falling Into Place! (giveaway open until 12 Oct)
Laini Taylor came to Australia! YA Bloggers Event and Melbourne Event Recap


Posts we really enjoyed from our blogging friends

There were some really great posts and discussions online this month. Here’s just some of what we enjoyed in July:


What do you think?

  • Sooo cool you got to see Laini Taylor!! SQUEE. ;)) That definitely makes it an epic month. And also the design is just super cute! (I probably said that? But it’s worth saying twice for sure.) ERMGERD THOUGH. Thank you for linking to my post!! I’m ridiculously happy. XD
    Cait @ Notebook Sisters recently posted…20 Things You Might Not Know About MeMy Profile

    • Kristy says:

      Oh you have no idea how much squeeing was involved Cait :D It was absolutely fantastic, and it is something I will never forget!
      You are most welcome for the link - always happy to share awesomeness :)

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